Congratulations to our January 2019 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program graduates! Through grant funding received from the Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) and Family ROSS Service Coordinators programs, Tulsa Housing Authority (THA) staffs additional service coordinators that offer case management services based on public housing residents’ selected goals. These coordinators complete a household profile on all participants in the program and goals are set according to each individual resident’s needs. Coordinators provide assistance with goals such as work and scholastic education, job placement, individualized counseling, homeownership education and opportunities for a pathway out of public housing.
Destiny Burrus joined the FSS program in March 2014 to get focused on what she needed to do in order to be successful in life. Destiny shared, “I can honestly say that participating in this program has been the motivation and push I needed; I have been employed four years now and I am working on my credit; the tools and support were what I needed to realize that if I wanted something to go out and get it.”
Whitney Pingleton entered the FSS program in April 2012. While in the program Whitney created goals including continuing her education in cosmetology and completing financial education and homeownership counseling. Whitney surpassed her goals, graduating from cosmetology school and receiving her license. She is attending school with hopes of achieving a master’s degree. She shared, “my motivation was knowing I was investing in our future no matter what path lied ahead.”